Sunday, November 6, 2011

Japanese Music Shamisen Koto Sōkyoku and Shakuhachi

Shakuhachi, Shamisen and Koto
Another very important part in the history of traditional Japanese music is the Azuchi-Momoyama period. Shakuhachi previously played a small part of the services of Zen and was at that time regarded as the instrument of choice among the Buddhist priests.

Music for Koto Sōkyoku called, played, composed and transmitted exclusively by the blind girls and women in the wealthy merchant class and upper-class military.
The Shamisen is generally used for the accompaniment of two basic types of vocal music, storytelling and singing melodious. Melodious developed in two separate - and Nagauta Jiuta. Jiuta has since enjoyed the music pure, while Nagauta is an accompaniment for the traditional kabuki dance dramas.


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